“Dost thou think because thou art virtuous there shall be no more cakes and ale?”–Sir Toby Belch. Twelfth Night
We’d like to give a big SIR welcome to our newest sponsor Little Brown Jug! We’re thrilled to have them on board as our Official 2019 Beer Sponsor.
What you may not know is that SIR, LBJ and Shakespeare have a connection going back over 20 years. SIR General Manager Lisa Nelson-Fries and LBJ owner and founder Kevin Selch were friends in high school. They played Viola and Orsino in Westwood Collegiate’s 1997 production of Twelfth Night. Included is a photo of them from that production.
Since opening in 2016 Little Brown Jug has been a faithful ally of the arts in Winnipeg supporting a wide variety of events and organizations both large and small. SIR is proud to be part of that list.