Why we donate…Maggie Nagle’s show-stealing nurse in Romeo and Juliet, Derek Aasland’s Puck dropping out of a tree before our eyes, Megan McArton’s Prospero conjuring up the Great Globe by glimmering firelight, Graham Ashmore’s world-weary Jacques (all the better for the tights), Stephen McIntyre’s cowboy Petruchio, Cory Wojick’s Bottom and his endless death scene, Sarah Constable’s raging Timon: we’ll stop here, but, like Bottom’s Dream, our list of the unforgettable performances we have witnessed at Shakespeare in the Ruins “hath no bottom.” We are eternally grateful to have been granted the opportunity to share in these moments. We also know that artists – those who perform and those who work behind the scenes – are the real patrons of the arts. The donations we have made over the years to SIR amount to a small payment to a debt that can never be fully redeemed.
Doug Smith and Sandra Hardy