SIR General Manager, Lisa Nelson-Fries, test-drives the Larry
Introducing the Larry Chair
As I write to you today the snow is knee-deep in ‘The Ruins’, but the promise of the coming spring means that before long, our thoughts will turn to love. I know you share our excitement in that the 2017 Shakespeare in the Ruins’ production is Romeo & Juliet, perhaps the greatest love story ever told.
As always, our promise to you is to present the unique ‘Ruins’ experience that is the hallmark of our annual celebration of the Bard’s work since our first production in 1996. Unfortunately, unlike the immortal words of Shakespeare not all things may persist. And so it is with our complimentary seating.
We have had our current chairs since we did the “rooftop” Romeo & Juliet in 2002 and we have used them every year since. They travelled with us the next season to Gaboury-Lagdimodiere Park in St. Boniface, then onward to the Assiniboine Park for seven years before finally returning triumphantly with us to the Ruins in 2012. For fifteen years they have served us well but since your comfort and safety mean everything to us they must go.
Since is it through the generosity of our amazing donors that we were in a position to purchase chairs the first time around, we ask that you make a donation to help us purchase our new chairs. Our old chairs are literally coming apart at the seams and new ones are needed by June 1st (opening night). We are committed to not repeat history by returning to watching “old school”. For those of you who don’t know what that is, well, back in the day instead of handing out chairs we handed out carpet bits; discarded sample squares you get at carpet retailers. Not exactly the promenade experience we want for you…our loyal audience.
So for the sake your comfort, and for the sake of the show; a shared exchange between audience and actors unlike any other theatre experience in Manitoba, I am asking that you make a donation. The tear-away donation slip in this newsletter has all the details. In recognition of your contribution you will be acknowledged in the 2018 newsletter and production program.
The proceeds will be put toward the amazing Larry Chair which is pictured below. With all you lovely people in mind, we test drove many models and this is far and away the most comfy one to sit in; and may they keep you safe and comfy for the next fifteen years.
Michelle Boulet, Artistic Director