I took my 8-year-old, Zeke, to the theatre recently, and during a scene change where two actors carefully and efficiently transformed the set into a whole other room, he vocally exclaimed “Wow, that’s magic daddy!”
I can’t stop thinking about that moment. The memory makes me smile in wonder. It wasn’t that I was particularly surprised he’d say that; after all, he’s a boy whose imagination had just been tickled by the powerful simplicity of live storytelling. What I found disappointing about that moment was the fact that I had caught myself once again in my “detached adult” mode, realizing how rare those fleeting moments of awe are in daily life; being an adult is such a bummer sometimes!
But you see, here’s the twist: I don’t think those moments are rare at all! We just fail to find room in our busy lives for them, and that’s where Theatre comes in; as a reminder; as a restorative.
Live theatre is an invitation for you to reconnect with your inner need for wonder.
I’ve been thinking a lot about how vital and primal that human need is. And that in turn makes me think about how lucky we are at Shakespeare in the Ruins, to not only perform the most astonishing plays ever written in the English language, but to do it surrounded by gorgeous nature – and with YOU.
If that doesn’t make you shout, “WOW THAT’S MAGIC!”, I don’t know what will.
As we continue to navigate this age of mass distraction and digital chaos, I have been trying to think of ways to pepper adulthood with a bit more magic and awe, and I have found answers and relief in the simplest of acts (a walk; a fresh coffee; a well-timed nap!) And one of the things that never fails to fill me with gratitude is the act of helping or doing something nice for someone. Indeed, what Juliet says is profoundly true: My bounty is as boundless as the sea, my love as deep; the more I give to thee, the more I have…
There truly is something healing and awe-inspiring in the act of giving – it is then when community happens. I recently gifted one of my favourite books to a friend, just out of the blue – no special occasion – and he was completely delighted and charmed by the gesture. And seeing that sparkle in his eyes made me feel complete joy – and grace.
As actor Rainn Wilson once said, “the meaning of life is service to others. When you are in the service of others, your anxieties are vanquished. It brings you into the moment.”
The cultural sector has undergone profound transformations since 2020, and one of our biggest challenges has been to remain economically viable during a time of instability. We have historically and infamously been a very underfunded field, and for a long time we have normalized the idea of being underpaid “struggling” artists because, we love what we do; this is a calling, a feverish passion, after all.
However, the cultural shifts of this moment have completely transformed our expectations – rightfully so, cultural workers now long for a more balanced, and economically stable career in the Arts. It has become painfully evident that while we do make Art for love, robust and immediate investment in our field is crucial to its future. Sadly, we are running the risk of losing an entire generation of artists because this work no longer seems like an attractive career proposition. The romance of it all feels a bit faded nowadays…it has hardened.
But I go back to that idea of achieving grace. As the famous South American saying goes, “in life one must be hardy, but without ever losing tenderness”. Hope is, after all, an active and cultivated mind-set.
SIR stands at a tipping point; poised for expansion. As a small and tenderly hardy company, we have remained nimble and ambitious through challenges; and with your brilliant support, we have aimed high and achieved impossible dreams (including showcasing a reading of our 2023 production of The Dark Lady in NEW YORK CITY this Fall!) We could not have achieved any of our recent successes without YOU, our dear friend and supporter.
Your gracious giving has made us dream.
But the challenges are ongoing, as funding remains scarce, and we continue to be forced to innovate endlessly to compete and create. We need community. We need your support. This is your Shakespearean company, after all.
Please DONATE today so that together we can experience that necessary magic that my son so openly felt when he was wowed by live storytelling.
We have an incredible 2025 season planned for you at the Ruins. A riveting playbill that will deliver action, thrills and unforgettable language with two massive plays: a classic, sexy Shakespearean tragedy, playing alongside a true 20th century masterpiece. Stay tuned for our season announcement early in the new year.
Please help us make this expansive and imaginative season a success. DONATE today, and join us for stunning nature, spectacular poetry, and a wonder-ful time.
Rodrigo Beilfuss, Artistic Director